Simplicity Applied, Again and Again
Choose the simplest approach you can fathom, and live by it.
Apply it to every situation, every time.
Its failure will produce information, used to adapt your way.
With time your method will evolve into something far simpler than what you started with, but be made of powerfully true and surviving means.
A constant naive attempt to distill life into its core truths, distilled over time into undeniable depth and utility. Supreme talent. Supremely automatic.
In the limit of convergence you will arrive at universality. What failed in your naive attempts so many times has spawned something beautiful. Something you could never have imagined.
There was no grand scheme. No path. Only the relentless and unforgiving application of simplicity.
Only simplicity breaks.
Only simplicity speaks.
Don’t use what exists because you fashioned it, discover what exists because it has to; things that have worked since the beginning of time.
There is nothing to figure out.
Only to receive.
But you have to know how to ask.
Most people don’t know how to ask.